
What does the site survey involve - the basics ?

  • Basic components and building blocks for your solar plant
  • Measurements on the site, layouts, and the topology of the site
  • Shadow Analysis, and any hurdles to solar module mounting at site
  • Solar Insolation and measurements – based on latitude / longitude surveys
  • Integration with existing metering systems, as inputs for plant design
  • Customization required based on the site layout and design

Site Survey Report without 3D

Site Survey Report with 3D


Site Survey Report with 3D


Our site survey proposals contain the following elements :

  • A sample site layout
  • Shadow Analysis  – hurdles and objects that can impact generation
  • An analysis of generation based on solar insolation.
  • Solar Panel array and layout
  • System capacity and Proposal – cost and value comparision – defining various components of the system and the approximate price of the solar plant – our proposals shall come with comprehensive analysis of different makes for your solar plant.
  • Analysis based on software tools, for expected generation, month wise
  • A ROI analysis chart for investment analysis
  • Environment savings and CO2 off set based on your plant design
  • Financing Options, if chosen / based on available documentation
  • AMC proposals, if applicable
  • Suitable partners for your installation – and supplies

Site Survey & Design

Different layouts - 3D designs

solar 2

How does a networkGreen Site Survey help you ?

  • Our site surveys are comprehensive, and give you a detailed insights into the overall project flow, and project plan keeping in mind all complexities of your proposed solar plant.
  • A complete financial analysis for the go – no-go decision based on your site
  • A comparison for different aspects from different equipment suppliers – to enable you to make the best choice for solar equipment.

A simple 1 - 2 - click process to get your solar journey started ...

Going solar is such a simple process with networkGreen and its 1 – 2 – click process that anyone can do it – all you need to do is follow the simple steps detailed below and start on your solar journey :

  1. Provide your contact details and a valid email and phone number so that we can contact you in case required.
  2. Do mention the type of connection that you have – a residential, industrial or commercial type of connection that you currently have.
  3. A mention about the electricity bills that you pay will help us know your approximate load – per month.

Click on the schedule a site survey and pay the required fee for the site survey online – and the process for the site survey begins immediately.

  1. Based on your convenient time, a site survey shall be organised.
  2. Our team gets into action mode, and starts preparing the design, based on the visit organised to your site. We collect a copy of your latest electricity bill on site. Do keep that handy.
  3. Voila, in 24 hrs, a design and a proposal gets emailed to you on the email id provided to us.
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